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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到波士顿威斯汀·科普利的2022年东部直播节目. Weather's much nicer or outside today than it was when I flew in on Sunday. 本, you're based in New York. 是这样吗??

本·拉特纳: Right outta New York City.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. And you're with CNN.

本·拉特纳: 是的.

蒂姆Siglin: And what is your focus there?

本·拉特纳: I'm a live operations manager, 所以我基本上是在为我们的很多数字节目做云直播制作.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. And you were on a panel that we did a while back about hybrid workflows. Is hybrid still part of the mix of what you're doing?

本·拉特纳: 在CNN数字频道和我正在做的具体事情上,我们现在100%是云计算的. 我们遭遇了飓风和暴风雪,摧毁了两个人家里的本地电脑. So we 最终 decided it's time to be 100% cloud. 我们使用云不仅是因为它对我们需要做的事情和所有远程工作的人都很有用, 但因为我们不一定能用电脑来取代那些电脑. 这也帮助我们发现在组织中是否有其他地方可以使用这项技术.

蒂姆Siglin: So, REMI for the win, essentially, at this point.

本·拉特纳: We're still very much grounded in traditional on-prem tech, 但REMI有很多好处,我认为我们可以利用得更多.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 很好. So what did you speak on here at the show?

本·拉特纳: Cloud production and hybrid production.

蒂姆Siglin: 很好. And how do you define hybrid?

本·拉特纳: 我们在云中使用的很多工具都是可以在本地使用的软件. We were using vMix on those on-prem hurricane disaster computers. And then we just moved it to the cloud. So I think it's the right tool for the right job. There are certainly things where it's easy to work in the cloud. 就在今天早上, for call contribution, we used WebRTC-based tools, but there are a lot of banks, 政府机构和其他高度安全的场合不允许你使用WebRTC. 所以我们能够在两秒钟或两分钟内启动一台运行WebEx的电脑, 我们能够做到这一点,只需要切换一些NDI连接,然后收工. 这是我们无法在本地完成的,因为我需要另找一台电脑, 启动它, download NDI tools, all that fun stuff.

蒂姆Siglin: 我记得我在为政府机构安装视频会议系统的时候, initially the thought was just to talk amongst themselves. It turned out it was actually a really good contribution tool as well.

本·拉特纳: 有时候,在效率方面,你无法打败Zoom或WebEx或其他一些服务. There's a lot of downsides to using them. A lot of quality issues. They've gotten very, 很好, 澄清一下, 如果没有他们,我们就不会有今天的广播——尤其是在COVID期间. But there are a lot of things where I would rather have control. There's software that gives me the ability to change their webcam, change their resolution, change their color balance, look at their actual data connection, 诸如此类. So I would prefer better solutions, but 最终 we need to get the show on the air and the guest on the air. And if the guest needs us to do it this way, we can accommodate.

蒂姆Siglin: 我认为,在过去的两年半里,观众在一定程度上给了我们自由, 三年. We understand that people may be coming us on a big show from their home. And so we sort of go, "好吧, that person's at home. 如果连接不是很好或者质量不是很好,也许没关系.“但就像你说的, 最终, if we're gonna carry that forward with workflows post-pandemic, we need to keep the quality up to the broadcast level.

本·拉特纳: 诚实, I think that broadcast in general or audiences in general--let's not blame the broadcasters; let's blame the audiences--have tolerated it too much and don't care enough. I think they should have a higher expectation for 很好 audio quality, 很好 video quality, 很好 inter网. So I'd like to see across the industry a bigger focus on that. Obviously, it depends on the kind of budget you have. But sometimes a cellphone is better than a laptop. 恕我直言,我最喜欢的苹果电脑并不以网络摄像头闻名. . 所以很多时候,你的智能手机的后置摄像头会比你的MacBook要好.

蒂姆Siglin: To show people what he means. It's a tiny little camera right up here.

本·拉特纳: If you wanna look like you're broadcasting through a potato, use Apple.

蒂姆Siglin: 与这.

本·拉特纳: 这样更好. The old trope used to be, "Hey, you wanna be wired, you wanna be ether网." I will very often now be happier with the cellphone signal. That's gonna be pretty good, if not great.

蒂姆Siglin: 在4g LTE或5G上.

本·拉特纳: 不是2G.

蒂姆Siglin: 完全. 好吧, 本, 非常感谢您的时间,非常高兴您的到来,我们很快就会迎来下一位嘉宾.

大多数直播作品几乎完全专注于向现场观众提供精彩的直播, but if you're not thinking about the flip to VOD when you're live, 许多制片人会说,这是你在现场演出结束时首先要考虑的事情之一.
是什么促使人们决定转向云计算或混合生产(以及决定推迟迁移并坚持传统的on-prem) ?? LiveSports' Jef Kethley, Paramount's Corey Smith, and Warner Bros. 迈克尔·科特(Michael Koetter)在流媒体连接2022年的这段视频中讨论了他们的云计算决策过程.
一些流媒体专业人士表示,自疫情撼动直播制作的核心以来,云制作在两年内取得了5-10年的进展, but when will cloud offer the sort of no-latency communication, 预览, and replay producers expect and rely on in on-prem workflows? 它是否需要生产商在硬件购买和使用方面的思维模式发生转变? Live X's Corey Behnke, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU's Mike Savello, 和Signiant的Jon Finegold讨论了云迁移的挑战和云的现状,这段视频来自流媒体东部2022.
Gigcasters的Casey Charvet讨论了Gigcasters及其合作机构如何采用远程制作、虚拟和混合活动——首先是出于应对疫情挑战的需要, then recognizing the new possibilities and opportunities they offer.