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How Cloud Migration Changes Live Streaming Workflows

LiveSports LLC's 杰夫Kethley) discusses how moving to 云 production has changed both his workflows and the ways he allocates staff in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.

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了解更多关于云生产的信息 流媒体西部2021.


马格努斯Svensson: What has changed in your way of working when producing a live event, from the traditional hardware infrastructure to the 云? Has something changed for the personnel working with those?

杰夫Kethley): 绝对. 对我们来说最大的变化是, now I can use the what we call the A-Team--our top people could be spread throughout the country. Now they don't they don't have to travel if hey don't want to, 或者如果他们不需要, 或者如果他们背靠背被预订了. 尤其是在自由职业者的世界里. 我们有很多技术人员是自由职业者. 这样我就不用担心, you can't work this job because you have to travel the day before, 或者你背靠背和别的东西在一起. If they're nearby and they have their inter网 access at home or at their offices, they can log in and perform their job from pretty much anywhere.

As we've talked about, the joke is, "Jef, where are you calling from this time?" Literally, I can be driving down the road and a client calls. 如果我需要, 我可以靠边停车, and log on through TeamViewer or whatever remote access we have available to us.

So now it's changed the workflow of how people work. You're not tied down to just that one person who's sitting in front of that one piece of hardware. That one person could actually be managing four or five different pieces of the whole solution. They're not tied down to just that one piece to do. And they're not having to be tied to one location. They could be managing multiple events in multiple locations. That is another huge, huge thing about putting it on the 云. It makes it accessible for everybody because all of the infrastructure in the 云, 在所有的软件之间, 在所有的电脑之间, between all the pieces--all that is working in the 云 at an unbelievable speed that we can't get.

如果我们用设备做点对点, 与远程设备通信, and if that person in Kansas happens to drop their inter网 connection, the second person that's looking over his shoulder or working simultaneously in Miami immediately is right on the top of it. So we're not tied down to just that one person or one workflow coming up from the ground. 我们有很多备份, 人们都能帮上忙, 这样我们就不会有休息时间了. We never have a break in our actual performance.

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Many people are interested in moving some if not all of their production workflows into the 云. 对于一些, 旅程很容易, for others it is nice to have a partner they can count on to assist them. 杰夫Kethley), LiveSports的首席问题解决者, explains how live event needs helped propel them into the 云s and develop their Platform as a Service called MasterControl.云. Find out how a distributed workflow leveraging 云 infrastructure can help your organization deliver content in new and unexpected ways.
If you're looking to get started with 云 production, here's a concise buyers' guide to available solutions and the benefits of each offered by LiveSports LLC's 杰夫Kethley) in his presentation at 流媒体 East Connect 2021.
Pizazz Chief Problem Solver 杰夫Kethley) discusses the benefits and challenges of moving production to the 云 in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East 2021.