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DJI Rolls Out Ronin 2 Camera Stabilizer


DJI, the world’s leader in creative camera technology, today introduced Ronin 2, 重新设计的三轴相机稳定器,让电影人可以自由地捕捉任何他们能想象的场景. Based on DJI’s transformative gimbal technology, Ronin 2 has more power and torque to carry larger cameras, is more versatile to be used in every situation, 并且有更多的智能功能,允许前所未有的镜头移动,帮助实现每一个创造性的愿景.

“浪人2大大提高了相机操作体验的各个方面,是我们做过的最好的稳定器,” said Paul Pan, DJI Senior Product Manager. “Completely redesigned to meet the needs of today’s camera professionals, 《百家乐app下载》比以往任何时候都更容易在各种各样的情况下捕捉令人惊叹的电影画面.”

A Powerful Platform For Creative Freedom
《百家乐app下载》给了电影人选择合适镜头的完全自由. 放大的相机笼和50mm可伸缩臂支持从单反到全电影相机和镜头的一切. 强大的万向节电机确保足够的扭矩来处理高达30磅的有效载荷. Aided by onboard GPS, 强大的编码马达让浪人2号以高达75英里/小时的速度行驶,同时提供同样的0.02 degrees of sub-pixel level precision that Ronin users have come to expect.

Versatile Mounts and Movements
With a new design and detachable Grip, 浪人2带来了自定义稳定的相机支架,导演依赖的全系列. From basic handheld and jib configurations to Ready Rig, plus cable cams, vehicles and drones, Ronin 2 provides a wide range of creative flexibility. 新的两轴操作模式安装到Steadicams提供了独特的和创造性的运动,曾经是不可能执行. 快速释放mount使得它很容易无缝地从一个场景转移到下一个, 给电影人新的自由,以稳定和控制探索每一个角度. A redesigned dual band 2.4/5.8 GHz遥控器允许在远程和双人操作期间最大限度地减少干扰,以实现近1的范围内的完全控制.5 kilometers.

Faster To Set Up and Easier To Use
Every detail of Ronin 2 has been improved for quick setup and easy operation. 新的轴锁定杠杆和微调旋钮提供更快,更精确的平衡, 而自动调谐稳定功能智能调整电机参数,在几秒钟内最佳使用. A new integrated touch screen with 1,000尼特的亮度可以让专业人士直接配置云台设置进行动态调整,并完全控制安装的红色相机.

Redesigned Frame with Centralized Power
Ronin 2 features a redesigned carbon fiber monocoque style frame, 提供最高质量的制造有史以来在手持稳定的相机钻机,同时使平台耐用, lightweight and easy to carry. 新的可折叠脚使操作者可以在手持拍摄时放下平台,而不需要单独的支架. A splash-proof enclosed motor design with internally routed power, SDI和数据电缆可以在最苛刻的环境中轻松拍摄.

集成电源和数据端口使Ronin 2成为摄像机和所有配件的集中式系统,而无需多个电源系统. It features four 14.4-volt (8 amps total) ports near the camera cage, two 12.6-volt (4 amps total) ports near the pan motor, and one P-Tap 12.6-volt (4 amps) outlet on the battery mount.

双热插拔电池提供连续的正常运行时间,而无需断电. They are capable of operating simultaneously and independently to provide 2.5 hours of runtime to power the gimbal and a RED Dragon camera. Ronin 2 uses the same ultra-fast charging, high-capacity, self-heating batteries as the DJI Inspire 2, 简化电池管理,保证在零下4华氏度的极端低温下可靠供电. 电池系统是完全可拆卸的,为任何12伏P-Tap供电的相机或配件提供便携式电源.

Enhanced Intelligent Features
完全更新的DJI万向节助手移动应用程序提供了一个更直观,更易于使用的界面,将电影视觉带入生活. 它包括新的面向工作室的功能,可以轻松捕捉复杂的相机动作,而这些动作曾经需要专业知识或额外的设备.

新的全景模式自动控制Ronin 2创建静态全景图像,考虑到相机传感器类型和镜头焦距以及用户自定义的重叠率. 它的新延时模式可以在路线上的不同点编程多个运动和相机动作, and view progress in real time. 新的CamAnchor模式可以让操作员在特定位置快速记录首选的云台方向, then revisit them with a simple touch as the camera moves from point to point.

智能平滑跟踪系统,在相机移动时提供稳定的图像,已经通过更新的算法进行了增强,以保持浪人2与操作员的运动同步. For every scenario encountered by a professional camera, 浪人2的用户可以微调他们的钻机如何响应新的运动沿着所有三个轴.

Ronin 2 will be available in the second quarter of 2017 from,大疆旗舰店,大疆授权零售店,和大疆全球经销商. Pricing will be announced prior to availability.

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