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松下推出AG-AC8PJ AVCCAM肩架,宣布定价为1450美元

The AG-AC8PJ, with 1080p recording capabilities, is ideal for shooting weddings, business conferences, documentaries, sporting events (including 720p at 8Mbs, optimal for use with leading coaching analysis systems), exhibits and government activities (when the government is active)
Featured News, Posted 09 Oct 2013

教程:如何在Telestream Wirecast中合成ppt和Talking Head视频

任何时候你制作的网络研讨会都有ppt和视频, it's helpful to present them in the same video frame. 本教程解释了如何在Telestream Wirecast中合成这两个源.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Oct 2013

教程:如何用NewTek TriCaster 40制作广播质量的活动,第2部分

在我们的两部分系列关于如何创建广播质量的现场制作与新tek TriCaster TC40的最后一部分, Jan Ozer demonstrates how to mix and stream your show.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 30 Sep 2013

NewTek TriCaster Now Features Tally Lights Integration

理货灯的新TriCaster控制器可以管理多达8个连接到一台TriCaster的理货灯, 使镜头前的人才知道哪一个镜头看在现场生产
Featured News, Posted 25 Sep 2013

Matrox Ships Monarch HD Video Streaming and Recording Appliance

Monarch HD专为专业视频制作人设计,他们需要同时流媒体直播活动并录制master- quality版本,以便事后编辑
Featured News, Posted 25 Sep 2013

Meet the SMPLive Presenter: Stjepan Alaupovic of St. Jepan Media

纽约媒体制作专家Stjepan Alaupovic介绍了他的百家乐软件app最新版下载现场会议, "How to Light, Frame, 以及为网络拍摄视频”和“如何打造你的在线产品品牌”."
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Sep 2013

Meet the SMPLive Presenter: Jyl Ferris,

Jyl Ferris是广受欢迎的网络喜剧烹饪节目《百家乐软件》的创意总监.tv, discusses her Streaming Media Producer Live 2013 session, "How to Corner a Niche Market for Episodic Web Video."
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Sep 2013

Streaming Media Producer Launches First-Ever Producer Challenge, Offers Canon 5D Mark III Grand Prize

Online video producers and all Streaming Media readers invited to produce a promo video for Streaming Media; winner gets new Canon 5D Mark III DSLR
Featured News, Posted 20 Sep 2013

Streamstar to Showcase Live Webcast Solutions Line at IBC 2013

Streamstar的WEBCAST系统是完整的实时视频制作系统,它彻底改变了多摄像机切换和流媒体的概念, 通过直观的触摸屏控制界面,用户可以完全控制所有操作
Featured News, Posted 05 Sep 2013

教程:声音去除,自动语音对齐,以及更多的Adobe Audition CC

Exploring 3 new key features in Audition CC, 最新版本的Adobe专业音频编辑应用程序:消除嗡嗡声和其他不需要的可变频率噪音的声音去除, 响度雷达仪表,用于匹配和坚持广播音量标准, and Automatic Speech Alignment for ADR.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Aug 2013

Berklee College of Music Promo Videos Leverage Zylight IS3c LED

为在同一场景中分别拍摄的不同演员创造独特的色彩背景, a Boston-based production company used its Zylight IS3c LED light, 它的颜色模式可以产生数百万种颜色,而不需要凝胶或滤镜
Featured News, Posted 07 Aug 2013

Tutorial: Branding Your Videos with Simple Animated Logo Intros

在这里,我们将看看如何制作简单的基于徽标的动画介绍,而不会让世界着火, 但会使用Photoshop和NLE为您的视频添加一点品牌效应, 无需聘请图形专家或精通After Effects或LightWave.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Aug 2013

Now Shipping: Red Giant BulletProof 1.0

Featured News, Posted 30 Jul 2013

Primer: Live-Switched Webcasting

尽管可以通过网络摄像头或智能手机和流媒体服务提供商进行网络直播, 专业的网络直播更像是电视直播,而不是孩子用智能手机. 本文讨论了在实时交换的网络广播中必须扮演的角色, the various features and types of video switchers, 在更大的视频切换和网络广播工作流程中,很多小细节都是重要的考虑因素.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2013

Live Production, Streaming, and Recording Anywhere

The Roland VR-50HD All-in-one Switcher Simplifies Production.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2013


草谷提供移动骨干黎巴嫩生产装备刺猬与相机, production switchers, routing switchers, router control systems, and replay systems
Featured News, Posted 24 Jul 2013

Shoot, Switch, Stream: A Live Production Field Guide

Live-switched video is fast becoming live-switched webcasting, 随着视频制作人和他们的客户接受通过流媒体向全球目标受众直播内容的能力和即时性. 我们很高兴地宣布现场指南#2专注于网络直播制作解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Jul 2013

K-Tek Intros Nautilus Mic Suspension Mount

而不是依赖于传统的弹性安装或弹出式垂直夹, 鹦鹉螺浮动麦克风在一个圆形的弹簧设计与水平夹,在模压与橡胶,以实现最佳隔离
Featured News, Posted 16 Jul 2013

Hands-on with the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera

关于即将推出的Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera,已经有很多人写过了——主要是那些在论坛上没有使用过的人写的. As of May, there were just three models in the U.S. I got my hands on one to see how it works.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Jul 2013

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